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Jumat, 21 November 2014


A.       Definition of  Excellent service
Excellent service is the best service provided by the company to meet the expectations and needs of the customer, the customer both inside the company and outside the company.
Excellent service is one of the effort by the company to serve the buyers (customers) as well as possible, so as to give satisfaction to the customers and meet the needs and desires of customers, both in the form of goods or services.

B.       Purpose Service Excellence
Purpose excellent service are as follows:
1. To avoid demands that do not need later to the manufacturer.
2. To provide high quality services to customers.
3. To ensure that customers feel cared for all his needs.
4. To create the trust and satisfaction to customers.
5. To maintain customer.

C.       Function Service Excellence
Excellent service works as follows.
              a.     Serving customers with friendly, precise, and fast.
             b.     Creating an atmosphere where customers feel overlooked.
              c.     Putting customers as business partners.
             d.     Creating a good market share for the products / services.
              e.     Winning the market competition.
              f.     Satisfy the customer, to want to do business with the company again.
              g.     Provide benefits to the company.

D.       Definition of Customer
Customers are people or buyers who are not dependent on a product, but a product that depends on the person. Therefore, this customer buyer or user of a product then it should be given satisfaction.
The three types of customers can be described as follows:
1.    Internal customers, internal customers (internal customer), are people or users of the products that are within the company and have an influence on the reciprocation of the company. Based on membership, internal customers there are two kinds are :
                       a.     Internal Customer organization is every person affected products and is anggoata of organizations that produce these products.
                       b.     Internal Customers government is every person affected products and are not members of the organization producing the product, but still in the environment or government agencies.
2.    Customers intermediaries, Customer intermediaries (intermediate customer) is any person who acts as an intermediary product, not as a user. Component distributors, as agents who sell newspapers newspapers, or bookstores are examples of intermediate customers. For example Publisher Armico Bandung memerima order books from the bookstore for sale to students of SMK so in this case Issuer Armikco act as suppliers, customers bookstore as an intermediary, and vocational students as customers or customer end real (real costumer).
3.    External customers, external customers (external customer), is any person or group of users of a product (goods / services) generated by business enterprises. This external customers act as real customers or end customers.

E.       The importance of excellent service to customers can lead to the following matters:
a.    Excellent service can lead to the decision of the customer to immediately purchase the products that we offer at that time.
b.    Excellent service can foster customer trust terhdap our products.
c.    excellent service is expected to retain the customers to remain loyal (loyal) using our products.
d.    Excellent service is expected to encourage customers to come back again to buy our products.
e.    Excellent service can avoid the occurrence of claims against sellers who do not need.

F.        Basic Concepts of Service Excellence
There are three basic concepts (A3) that must be considered in realizing excellent service, are :
              a.     The concept of attitude (attitude)
Success of the business services industry will largely depend on the people involved in it. Expected service attitude embedded in employees is a good attitude, friendly, full of sympathy, and have a high sense of the company. If you are an employee of a company, you will describe the attitude of your company. You will represent the image of the company either directly or indirectly. Customers will assess the company of first impression in touch with people who are involved in the company.
Attitude that is expected based on the concept of service excellence are:
1) excellent service attitude means having a sense of pride in the work
2) Have a great devotion to the job
3) Always maintain the dignity and good name of the company
4) excellent service attitude is: "right or wrong remains my firm

             b.     The concept of attention (attention)
            In conducting the service, an officer of the company services industry should always pay    attention and look at the customer desires. If the customer already shown interest to purchase    goods / services that we offer, immediately serve the customers and offer assistance, so that             customers feel satisfied and fulfilled his wish.
Other things to note regarding the forms of service based on the concept of attention are as   follows:
1) Say greeting speech.
2) Asking what the customer desires.
3) Listen to and understand the customer's wishes.
4) Serving customers with fast, accurate and friendly.
5) Put the interests of customers at number 1.

              c.     The concept of action (action)
On the concept of attention, customers "showing interest" to buy the products that we offer.             On the concept of customer actions already "settled" to buy the products they want.
Forms of service based on the concept of action are as follows:
1) Immediately record the customer's order.
2) Reaffirming the need / customer orders.
3) Complete the payment transaction customer orders.
4) Say thank accompanied hope customers will come back again.
G.      Examples of cases
a.    The first case, in a government hospital. When it was in the patient's room, a nurse came to give medicine to face snapped. One asked about the development of your health condition of the patient, the nurse snapped back to face saying: "good", that's all he said.
b.     The second case, when a till in a private bank, the bank guard immediately opened the door and greeted with warm,: "Good afternoon sir, how can I help you?". The words were out of her mouth is decorated with a smile. Two cases of the above really opposites. In the first case clearly defined form of poor service. Of course, not all nurses like it, it's just not a good example. In the second case the service provided was very good, excellent service concept really clearly defined.
c.    In this case, the service at the tax office for so long, not to mention the complicated procedure, as well as inconvenience in terms of facilities and infrastructure facilities have made people feel comfortable making this public dissatisfaction cause a variety of complaints. This shows that in terms of the service bureaucracy in the tax office does not have the principles of efficiency, transparency, effectiveness and fairness. The process does not have the transparency of public services, in terms of time, cost, and the procedure to be followed. If anything, the standard procedure of public services often only be on display and formal standards. The lack transparanan procedures, time, and cost of services deliberately created to make the community's dependence on the service provider apparatus. Procedure created convoluted that the fees charged to the public becomes more expensive. Because people do not have the bargaining power to the procedure.

H.    conclusion
Excellent service is the best service provided by the company to meet the expectations and needs of the customer, the customer both inside the company and outside the company.
Three basic concepts (A3) that must be considered in realizing excellent service, namely:
a. The concept of attitude
b. The concept of attention
c. The concept of action

KELAS            : XII AP1
NO. ABSEN     : 19

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